Application: Body-Worn Sensor Systems for 1st Responders


Real-time physiological alerting system for 1st responders


  • Body-worn sensors to track the health (heart rate, respirations, EKG, body temperature) and location of responders.
  • Additional Body Worn Sensors to detect a bullet impacting an officer’s vest; detect the absence of movement that might indicate a crisis condition.
  • Sensors that will track the amount of air in a firefighters SCBA tank.


KPI Value
Communication Service AvailabilityHigh: > 99.9%
CriticalitySafety critical
Priority Service (NS/EP)Yes
Service ContinuityRequired
MobilityPedestrian: > 0 km/h to 10 km/h
Communication DirectionOne-way
Data Reporting ModeContinuous-based
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