Application: Smart Oil & Gas


For remote wellhead surveillance and data acquisition, each wellhead supports a full array of automated data logging, monitoring, and control devices that connect via cellular to a miles-distant central control room. Streams of sensor data from drilling and other equipment transmit to metering, processing, and control stations:
– Field and seismic data continuously transmit to an onshore network operations center (NOC)
– The onshore NOC remotely monitors and controls platform equipment
– Initiates alerts when systems are about to experience a high-pressure situation or any other unsafe issues


  • Types of sensors: Remote metering, Cathodic protection, Gas density, Pipeline pressure, Custody transfer flow meters, Fire / Gas / H2S alarms, Tank levels, Tank batteries, Temperature sensors, Control valves, Flow monitoring, Electricity consumption, Structural health & deformation, Air pollution


KPI Value
Communication Service AvailabilityLow: < 90%
CriticalityMission critical
Priority Service (NS/EP)No
Service ContinuityNot required
Communication DirectionTwo-way
Data Reporting ModeContinuous-based
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